
Who stole your Rainbow?

by Danusha Chandrasekaran


How does energy impact you? Is forgiveness integral to one’s development? Are you still holding onto your past? Is it ok to make mistakes? When life knocks you down what do you do? Stay down or do you get up ready to face the challenges that brought you down? The quality of one’s life is determined by the quality of their thoughts and it is imperative to change one’s thinking and attitude to live a fulfilling life. A disturbed mind is a major obstacle to inner peace and it is only through practice, knowledge, persistence and discipline one can live life to their best potential. Who stole your rainbow navigates life’s journey through stories, poems, quotations and messages that keep reminding you that you are a masterpiece. You are destined for greatness and you are worthy. This book has been written on the premise that life can be a beautiful symphony if you truly know how to conduct yourself.

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