want to publish your book for free?

With ‘Paper Towns DIY’, you can now publish your paperback & sell it on Amazon & Flipkart at ZERO COST* & earn 100% PROFITS from all sales!

How does it work?

Submit the print ready cover & typeset files!

We will evaluate & reach out to you for a quick discussion

Your book goes live on Amazon, Flipkart etc

Get 100% profits from sales transferred to your account every month.

Free publishing plan includes all these services:


1. What exactly is free publishing? Are there any hidden costs?

Free publishing is just what it sounds like. It is our endeavour to spread the written word as much as possible. In simple words, if you have the typeset file ready of your brand new book and you have the cover design as well, then we will publish your book for FREE.


However, as a publishing house, we have to do a legal agreement with all the authors. For this agreement, a one time cost of Rs 1999 will be charged. 

There are so many good authors out there with a ready manuscript, and still struggling to publish their book. It is just our humble attempt to help every budding author out there to bring their work to life into this world.

2. What are the guidelines for submitting the cover?

Our standard print size is 5 X 8 inches. You can download a cover template here.

Cover Formatting:

    • Covers should be one continuous image
    • You should submit the cover without the barcode & the MRP. Leave the barcode area blank for putting ISBN & MRP later. 
    • Spine text will be printed only on books with more than 80 pages
    • Any content you don’t intend to be trimmed off should be a minimum of 0.25" (6.4 mm) from the outside cover edge.


Spine Measurement: No of pages x 0.0635 mm.


    • if your book has 100 pages, then the spine width should be 100 x 0.0635 mm = 6.35 mm
    • if your book has 200 pages, then the spine width should be 200 x 0.0635 mm = 12.70 mm


If you are facing issues in designing the cover or want a professional to do the cover, you can hire us. Click here to reach out to us!

3. What are the guidelines for submitting the script?

Print ready file of the script in PDF format should be submitted. 

Keep the following specifics in mind while submitting your scripts for publishing:

    • Size of the book would be 5 inches into 8 inches, so design the typeset file accordingly. 
    • There should be a .75 inch margin on the left on all sides of a page
    • The advisable font size for body text is 11 or 12. 
    • You may use any fonts. However, these are the popular fonts used worldwide: Baskerville, Bell MT, Sabon, Palatino, Adobe Caslon Pro, Adobe Garamond Pro, Garamond, Georgia, Book Antiqua, Minion Pro
    • As the script will be black & white, make sure all images are in black & white only.
    • Download typeset files for reference:
    • You can see some more sample typeset designs here: Design 1, Design 2, Design 3, Design 4, Design 5, Design 6


If you are facing issues in designing the typeset file or want a professional to do it, you can hire us. Click here to reach out to us!

4. My book has colored images. Can I submit it?

In free publishing services, at present, we are only accepting books with black & white interiors. The cover, however, can be coloured.

If your book has coloured images as a part of it, make sure they are converted to black & white before submission.

Saying that, if you do want to publish a book with coloured images in it, do reach out to us for custom offerings.

5. How much time would it take?

Once your files has been approved, it will take upto 30 days for the book to be published.

6. How will the MRP of the book be decided?

Before setting the MRP of your book, our team will reach out to you and discuss it in length. Major criteria that is kept in mind is page count (the number of pages in your book) and maximising the sales.

Our fundamental philosophy is to keep the MRP as low as possible so that more readers can be acquired.

The final MRP will be decided after the discussion with the author and keeping in mind all the above criteria.

7. How is royalty calculated & paid?

We pay 100% of the profits as royalty to the author. While setting the MRP at the lowest possible amount, we do ensure that the author at least makes 20% off the MRP.

For example, if the page count of your book is 100, we are likely to price your book at around Rs 120. So on every sale, you will be receiving Rs 24 as profit per book sale.

The remaining amount goes into printing of the book, courier charges, marketplace commissions etc.

8. What to do if one cannot design their cover or typeset file?

Fret not! We are here for you at every step of the way. In case you don’t have either the cover design or the type set file (or both), just let us know and our team will help you with all your pre-publishing requirements according to your budget.

9. Who retains the copyrights?

All the copyrights of the book will be retained by the author (AKA You)

10. What all languages are supported?

At present we publish in only English and Hindi. However, we aspire to promote all the Indian languages, so hit us up, and we will be more than happy to publish your book in your choice of language.

11. Where will my book be sold?

The book will be available on Amazon India (Paperback and Kindle) & Flipkart (Paperback).

12. What to do if I need author copies?

Let us know the number of author copies that you would like, and we would be happy to print them and provide them to you at printing costs (plus shipping if applicable).

13. How can I avail editing services?

Paper Towns is a full fledged publishing company and we have full time editors that would be glad to provide you with their editing services. Contact us for more details and our editing plans.

14. How can I avail marketing services?

Our marketing service and experience is unparalleled.
Our sister platform, The Bookoholics, is also a part of our marketing channel. We have promoted over 800 and have delivered amazing results on each of them.

You can submit your details here and our team will reach out to you for customised offers.

15. How many copies will you print?

The short answer to that is, how many ever copies that are needed!

We provide unlimited inventory management for all our authors. Our smart systems are capable of processing 1000s of orders a day. So, even on days when we get 100 or 1000 orders of your book, we will ship them all to their forever homes within 1-2 days.

In simple terms, your book will always remain in stock through us and will be available for purchase on demand.