
Newborn Babies – Little Enigmas: The Saga of First Six Months

by Dr R. P. Bansal


Babies are enigmas, showing strange presentations!

A haemoglobin level of 18 grams at birth and of 9 grams at 3 months! Visible jaundice in the first week of life!

Weird looking head swellings, blood in the diapers, milk in the nipples of a newborn baby!

A window on the head!

Their foreheads are always warm, do they have fever?

How much should they be wrapped or how frequently they be fed?

What is the normal growth of a baby after birth?

What should be the diet or the supplements?

How to handle a crying or a coughing baby?

This book deals with all these and many more interesting situations faced by the parents of a newborn baby during the first six months of life.

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