The right self publishing plans for your book!

We have designed our self publishing plans keeping in mind all your needs. You get all that is mentioned below and a lot more. We believe in going the extra mile because your book means to us as much as it does to you.

Essential features – part of all plans!


100% profits from all sales will be transferred to you.

Premium Cover Design

Fully customised cover as per your inputs with multiples samples.


Your book will be available on all big websites.

ISBN Registration

Owned by the author.

Paper Quality

Superior paper quality to enhance reading experience.

Additional Copies

Order additional copies at production cost.

Marketing Assistance

Expert guidance on marketing your books.

Project Management

A dedicated professional to help you in the entire process.

Detailed Comparison!

Basic Standard Plus Pro
Feature \ Price Rs 9500 Rs 19000 Rs 39000 Rs 69000
ISBN Registration Yes Yes Yes Yes
Copyright Registration Add-on Add-on Add-on Yes
Cover Design Premium Premium Premium Premium
Cover Color Colored Colored Colored Colored
Royalty 100% profits from sales 100% profits from sales 100% profits from sales 100% profits from sales
Royalty Payout Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly
Interior Design Premium Premium Premium Premium
Copyediting Add-on Add-on Upto 40K words Upto 60K words
Dedicated Project Manager Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inventory Management Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Free Author Copies 5 10 20 50
Additional Author Copies At print cost At print cost At print cost At print cost
India Online Paperback Distribution Yes Yes Yes Yes
Amazon Global Paperback Listing Add on Yes Yes Yes
Kindle Creation & Listing With Basic Formatting With Standard Formatting With Standard Formatting With Standard Formatting
Amazon Prime Placement 1 year 2 years 3 years 5 years
Marketing Activities* Add-on Worth Rs 15,000 Worth Rs 25,000 Worth Rs 40,000

All set to work on your book or have more queries? Fill the form and we will get back to you.

FAQs related to self publishing!

Whats the cost of publishing a book in India?

Cost of publishing a book in India varies as per your requirements. You can do it for free if you can get everything done by yourself. But if you need help with certain things like cover design or editing, you can get in touch with a designer. Or choose on of our plans, and we will take care of everything.

What’s the process of publishing?

Pick the package that suits your budget and requirements. Reach us through ‘Contact Us’. Our sales representative will call you to talk about your requirements and customise a package for you if needed. You sign a contract with us. Email us your script. We edit, design the cover and send it to the printers.

How do I choose the best self publishing package?

Before you go looking for a publisher, research about all the services you will require for your book. Make a list. You can talk to a mentor from our team too. Once you have a list of all that you need, do market research. Keeping in mind your budget and the fact that you will have to spend heavily on marketing, pick the best package for you. You can publish with us starting from 15,000-20,000 to 1.5l.

Who will have the copyright to my book?

The author owns the copyright of their original work.

How much Royalty will I get?

You will get the 100% profits. Profit here stands for the money earned after deducting all the costs.

Can I just avail editing and marketing services from you?

Yes, you can avail services on a la carte basis.

How much time does it take to publish?

On an average, your book will be in your hand in a month.

Would you help me with marketing my book?

Absolutely. As you might have read in ‘About Us’, we started with marketing books and have worked with over 300 authors in the last 5 years. We encourage authors to spend soundly in publishing and heavily in marketing.

Can I exclude/include a service from a package?

Yes, you can customise your package according to the needs of your script.

How will I get to know how many books got sold?

We will share reports with you on a monthly basis. In case, you wish to know the status of sales between monthly reports, we can share the details as and when you ask.

Will I get a dedicated project manager?

We wouldn’t want you to settle for anything less.

My book is already published; can I re-publish with you?

Yes, once you obtain No Objection Certificate from your previous publisher, we’d be happy to publish your book again.